Speakers at a seminar on branding
Marketing Initiative Limited has organized a conference designed specifically for Non Marketing top executives in public, private and non-profit organizations in the Tanzanian corporate world.
We see the seminar as a tool that will empower non marketing professionals to become value creators in their organizations,” Ikechukwu Kalu, a Director at Marketing Initiatives Limited told Corporate Digest in an emailed statement.
Kalu who has 28 years of decent exposure in marketing and commercial related functions said that Non Marketing Executives tend not to appreciate the fundamental role Marketing plays in the overall success of the organization.
“Non marketing executives can no longer be engrossed in their professional roles in today’s competitive and global business environment. They must see the synergy that a harmonious interplay of the different roles (value chain) in delivering sustainable value to the organization,” he said.
We are increasingly seeing executives with non commercial backgrounds assume oversight function (role) over Marketing. They have the leadership and functional competence but do not understand the basis of marketing decisions and hence tend to frustrate Marketing efforts.
Rodgers Mbaga, commenting on the forthcoming seminar added that a marketing appreciation platform for non Marketing professionals and or executives overseeing Marketing (without prior training in Marketing) is a must at this stage of our economic evolution.
This seminar will enable non marketing executives acquire a better grasp of the marketing decision making process and stimulate synergy and alignment within the different business units. This is extremely necessary for us to consistently achieve our corporate goals.
Richard C. Christian described Marketing as ‘Finding out what the customer wants and then giving it to him at a profit’. Marketing is therefore the business activity of presenting products or services to potential customers or clients in such a way as to make them eager to buy again and again. Today, business starts and ends with Marketing. Every executive in a forward looking business or corporation must embrace this truth.
Marketing Initiative Limited who are also the organizers of the Tanzania Marketing Communications Conference (TMCC), said that the seminar will be held at Serena Hotel, Dar es Salaam on June 29th 2012.
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